Target the Right Segments for E-commerce Growth

Did you know your customer relationship management (CRM) software can help you with your contact list segmentation, in turn, growing your business?

Kate Neuer
June 20, 2024

Consumers crave targeted experiences that cater to their unique needs and preferences. This is where customer relationship management (CRM) software, equipped with powerful segmentation capabilities, becomes an e-commerce business's secret weapon. 

Effective segmentation within your CRM allows you to group contacts with similar characteristics, enabling you to deliver highly personalized marketing messages and product recommendations. This targeted approach fosters deeper customer engagement, boosts conversion rates, and ultimately drives revenue growth. 

But with a wealth of data points available, how do you segment your e-commerce CRM effectively? Here, we'll delve into the top segmentation strategies, explore advanced techniques like TruVISIBILITY's all-in-one digital suite, and equip you with the knowledge to unlock the full potential of your CRM. 


Table of Contents:

Target the right segments for e-commerce growth

Top Segmentation Strategies for E-Commerce CRMs 


You may be wondering how to start segmenting your audience and using CRM to manage customer information and boost your business at the same time. The simplest answer to invest in a great CMR tool. But when you get a CRM tool as part of a digital marketing platform, you should still have a strategy for segmenting customers correctly to raise your chances of targeting the right customers for the right campaigns for your e-commerce business. E-commerce runs a little differently than other types of businesses, so check out these strategies for segmenting and using your CRM at full capacity.

1. Demographic Segmentation 


This fundamental approach categorizes contacts based on basic demographics like age, gender, location, and income level. Understanding these characteristics allows you to tailor your messaging and product recommendations to resonate with different customer segments. 

Example: Targeting younger demographics with trendy product lines and showcasing them on social media channels, while sending emails with established brands and discount offers to older audiences. 


2. Behavioral Segmentation 


Go beyond demographics by analyzing customer behavior within your CRM. This includes data like purchase history, browsing behavior, website interactions, and email engagement. By segmenting based on these actions, you can deliver highly personalized experiences. 

Example: Sending abandoned cart reminders to customers who leave items in their carts, suggesting similar products to those previously purchased, or rewarding loyal customers with exclusive discounts and early access to new product launches. 


3. RFM Segmentation (Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value) 


This popular technique categorizes customers based on their recent purchase activity (Recency), purchase frequency (Frequency), and total spending amount (Monetary Value). This allows you to identify high-value customers, re-engage dormant subscribers, and tailor marketing efforts to different segments. 

Example: Offering personalized loyalty programs with tiered benefits for high-value customers, sending win-back campaigns to re-engage dormant subscribers with exclusive promotions, and nurturing leads who haven't made a purchase yet with informative content tailored to their interests. 


4. Psychographic Segmentation 


This approach dives deeper into customer attitudes, interests, and values. While harder to capture directly, you can glean these insights from website behavior, social media engagement, and survey responses. 

Example: Segmenting customers interested in sustainable products and sending them eco-friendly brand promotions, or targeting customers who show interest in educational content with informative blog posts and webinars. 


5. Predictive Segmentation 


Leverage your CRM's data analytics capabilities to predict future customer behavior. This allows you to proactively engage with customers at different stages of the buyer journey and personalize offers accordingly. 

Example: Identifying customers likely to churn and offering them targeted incentives to maintain their loyalty or recommending complementary products to customers based on their purchase history and browsing behavior. 


Advanced Segmentation Techniques 


While the strategies above provide a solid foundation, consider exploring more advanced techniques to further refine your segmentation approach. 


Lifecycle Stage Segmentation 

Segment customers based on their position in the buyer's journey (awareness, consideration, decision). Tailored content for each stage can nurture leads and convert them into loyal customers. 


Needs-Based Segmentation 

Group customers based on their specific needs and pain points. This allows you to offer solutions that directly address their challenges, leading to higher conversion rates. 


Interest-Based Segmentation 

Leverage data from website interactions and social media engagement to segment customers based on their specific interests. This enables you to deliver relevant content and product recommendations that resonate with them. 


Unlocking the Power of Segmentation with TruVISIBILITY 


While CRM software provides a powerful foundation for segmentation, TruVISIBILITY's all-in-one digital suite elevates your segmentation capabilities to new heights.  Here's how: 


Data Integration & Enrichment 

TruVISIBILITY seamlessly integrates with your existing CRM, capturing a broader range of data points beyond what your CRM might collect on its own. This comprehensive data pool provides a richer picture of your customers for more precise segmentation. 


Advanced Analytics & Insights 

TruVISIBILITY utilizes advanced analytics to uncover hidden patterns and insights within your customer data. These insights enable you to create highly targeted customer segments with unmatched accuracy. 


Omnichannel Marketing Automation 

Utilize TruVISIBILITY's powerful marketing automation tools to deliver personalized messages across all touchpoints, from email and social media to SMS and web push notifications. This ensures your targeted messages reach your customers where they are. 


Real-Time Segmentation & Personalization 

 TruVISIBILITY allows you to create dynamic segments that update in real-time based on customer behavior. This enables you to deliver hyper-personalized experiences that adapt to your customers' ever-evolving needs and preferences.  Imagine sending a discount code for a product a customer just viewed on your website within minutes of them leaving your site! 


A TruVISIBILITY Segmentation Case Study 


Let's delve into a practical example showcasing how TruVISIBILITY can enhance your segmentation strategy. 


Traditional CRM Approach 

The store segments their CRM based on demographics (age, gender) and purchase history. They send generic email blasts promoting new arrivals to all customers. 



TruVISIBILITY integrates with the store's CRM and captures additional data points. This includes website behavior (product browsing, abandoned carts), social media engagement (likes, comments), and email engagement (opens, clicks). Let’s continue with an example of a sporting goods store. 

Utilizing advanced analytics, TruVISIBILITY identifies customer segments with distinct needs and preferences. 


1. Fitness Enthusiasts 

This segment consists of customers who frequently purchase workout gear and engage with fitness-related content on social media. 


2. Casual Athletes 

This segment includes customers who buy occasional athletic wear and show interest in broader sports content. 


3. Price-Conscious Consumers 

This segment focuses on customers looking for great deals and typically responds well to discount offers. 


The Power of a Unified Customer Experience 


While segmentation is a powerful tool, it's just one piece of the puzzle. For true success, aim to create a unified customer experience across all touchpoints. Here's how: 


Consistent Brand Messaging 

Ensure your brand voice and messaging remain consistent across all marketing channels, from email campaigns to social media posts and website content. 


Personalized Product Recommendations 

Utilize customer data to recommend products they're likely to be interested in, regardless of the channel they're interacting with. 


Omnichannel Customer Support 

Offer seamless customer support across multiple channels (phone, email, live chat) to ensure a smooth and positive experience for your customers. 


TruVISIBILITY: Your Partner in E-Commerce CRM Success 


In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, understanding your customers is key to standing out. TruVISIBILITY's all-in-one digital suite empowers you to unlock the full potential of your CRM data, enabling you to: 

  • Segment your audience with unmatched precision 
  • Deliver hyper-personalized marketing messages 
  • Automate marketing tasks for increased efficiency 
  • Create a unified customer experience across all touchpoints 


By partnering with TruVISIBILITY, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of tools and expert guidance to transform your e-commerce CRM strategy. 

Ready to take your e-commerce business to the next level? Contact TruVISIBILITY today for a free consultation and discover how their all-in-one digital suite can help you leverage the power of segmentation and personalization to achieve sustainable growth. 

Use TruVISIBILITY's CRM for Free


Additional Tips for Successful Segmentation 


Start Simple & Scale Up 

Begin with a few key segmentation strategies and gradually refine them as you collect more data and gain insights. 


Track & Analyze Results 

Continuously monitor the performance of your segmented campaigns and make adjustments based on data-driven insights. 


Focus on Customer Value 

Always prioritize delivering value to your customers with your targeted messaging and product recommendations. 


Test & Experiment 

Don't be afraid to test different segmentation strategies and see what resonates best with your audience. 

By implementing these strategies and leveraging the power of TruVISIBILITY's all-in-one digital suite, you can transform your e-commerce CRM into a powerful tool for driving customer engagement, boosting sales, and achieving long-term success. 




The key to success lies in understanding your customers on a deeper level. Segmentation is the cornerstone of this understanding, allowing you to tailor your marketing efforts, product recommendations, and overall customer experience to specific needs and preferences. 

Remember, successful segmentation is an ongoing journey. By consistently refining your strategies, analyzing results, and prioritizing customer value, you can position your e-commerce business for continued growth. Embrace the power of data and personalization, and watch your customer engagement and sales soar. 

Segment with TruVISIBILITY's Digital Marketing Suite

Key Takeaways: 

 1. You can segment your contacts by demographic, shopping behaviors, RFM segmenting, and other parameters to help manage your CRM better.

2. The three types of segmenting contacts are the lifecycle stage, needs-based segmenting, and interest-based segmenting.

3. Remember to track and analyze your segmentation to adjust if needed as well as being consistent with brand marketing to keep leads and customers from hitting the "unsubscribe button".