Offers That Will Earn Conversions This Summer

As the summer ends, see tips and strategies for engaging with your leads and customers by taking advantage of this time of year.

Kate Neuer
August 29, 2024

As the summer season draws to a close, businesses have a unique opportunity to engage with their leads and customers through strategic offers. This transitional period is perfect for clearing out summer inventory, preparing for the upcoming fall season, and maintaining customer engagement. In this article, we’ll explore various types of offers that can help you achieve these goals. Also learn more about TruVISIBILITY's application, Messaging, to see how it can enhance your email marketing efforts during this high-profiting time of year. 


Table of Contents 

End-of-summer deals businesses can offer.

End-of-Summer Sales 

One of the most effective ways to boost sales at the end of summer is through end-of-season sales. These sales not only help you clear out summer inventory but also attract bargain hunters looking for great deals. 


Key Strategies 


Discounts on Seasonal Items 

Offer significant discounts on summer-specific products such as swimwear, outdoor furniture, and travel accessories. Highlight the limited availability to create a sense of urgency. 

Bundle Offers 

Create bundles of related items at a discounted price. For example, a "Summer Fun Pack" that includes sunscreen, beach towels, and sunglasses. 

Flash Sales 

Organize short-term flash sales with deep discounts to drive immediate purchases. Promote these sales through email and social media to maximize reach. Wondering how to send seasonal item promotions for free through an email platform? TruVISIBILITY can handle all of your email marketing needs in the Messaging application.

Send Marketing Emails that Convert


Back-to-School Promotions 

As students and parents prepare for the new school year, back-to-school promotions can be highly effective. Surely, you’ve seen pencils, backpacks, and notebooks going on sale in July, but you don’t necessarily need to sell obvious school supplies at the end of the summer. Let us teach you how to tailor your offers to meet the needs of students, parents, and educators. 


Key Strategies 


Discounts on School Supplies 

Yes, you can offer discounts on essential school supplies such as notebooks, pens, and backpacks. Consider creating bundles for added value. Also think about selling less obvious supplies teachers may need, such as a comfortable desk chair or other business desk accessories. 

Electronics and Gadgets 

Promote discounts on electronics like laptops, tablets, and headphones, which are in high demand during this period. 

Clothing and Accessories 

Offer special deals on clothing and accessories suitable for school. Highlight items that are both stylish and practical. 


This marketing email from CVS was sent to members and non-members alike in late August. Note the summer-themed products and text CVS still pushes on their leads.

CVS summertime marketing email.


Labor Day Specials 

Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer and is a great opportunity for businesses to offer exclusive deals. Capitalize on the long weekend by promoting limited-time offers. 


Key Strategies 


Exclusive Discounts 

Offer special discounts on popular items or services. Consider a buy-one-get-one-free deal or a percentage off on select products. 

Free Shipping 

Provide free shipping on all orders during the Labor Day weekend to encourage online purchases. 

Holiday-Themed Promotions 

Create promotions around Labor Day themes, such as outdoor activities, barbecues, and travel. 


Loyalty Rewards 

Rewarding your loyal customers is crucial for maintaining long-term relationships. End-of-summer offers can be a great way to show appreciation and encourage repeat business. 


Key Strategies 


Early Access to Sales 

Give loyalty program members early access to end-of-summer sales. This makes them feel valued and encourages them to make purchases before items sell out. 

Additional Discounts 

Offer extra discounts or bonus points to loyalty program members. Personalized offers based on past purchases can enhance customer satisfaction. 

Exclusive Rewards  

Provide exclusive rewards such as free gifts, special discounts, or access to limited-edition products. 


Seasonal Subscriptions 

Encourage customers to subscribe to seasonal services or products. Subscriptions can keep customers engaged beyond the summer and provide a steady revenue stream. 


Key Strategies 


Fall-Themed Subscriptions

You’ve probably noticed Halloween items going on sale in August, and these sales are happening sooner and sooner every year. So, you might as well get ahead of it! Offer subscription boxes with fall-themed items such as candles, cozy blankets, and seasonal snacks. Provide a discount on the first of the month to attract new subscribers. 

Service Subscriptions 

Promote subscriptions for services that are relevant in the fall, such as lawn care, home maintenance, or fitness programs. 

Special Gifts 

Include a special gift or bonus item for new subscribers to make the offer more enticing. In terms of Halloween, you can offer a free decorative item with any costume item, for example. 


Referral Incentives 

Leverage word-of-mouth marketing by incentivizing referrals. Referral programs can help you acquire new customers while strengthening relationships with existing ones. Thinking back to the back-to-school deals, you can offer referrals for teachers or parents, for example. 


Key Strategies 


Discounts for Referrals 

Offer discounts or freebies to customers who refer friends or family. This encourages them to spread the word about your business. 

Double Rewards 

Provide rewards for both the referrer and the new customer. For example, offer a discount to the referrer and a welcome discount to the new customer. 

Referral Contests 

Organize referral contests with attractive prizes. This can create excitement and motivate customers to participate. 


How TruVISIBILITY's Messaging Can Help 

Now you may be wondering how to best implement these deals into an effective email tool. TruVISIBILITY's application, Messaging, is a powerful tool that can help you execute these end-of-summer offers smoothly. Let us show you how it can enhance your email marketing efforts. 


Segmentation and Personalization 

Messaging allows you to segment your audience based on various criteria such as purchase history, demographics, and engagement levels. This ensures that your offers are relevant and personalized, increasing the likelihood of conversion. 




Targeted Campaigns 

Send tailored offers to specific segments of your audience. For example, send back-to-school promotions to parents and students, and end-of-summer sales to general customers. 

Personalized Content 

Use customer data to personalize email content, making it more engaging and relevant. Personalized emails have higher open and click-through rates. 


Automated Campaigns 

Set up automated email campaigns to send timely offers to your leads and customers. Automation ensures that your messages reach the right audience at the right time. 




Timely Delivery 

Schedule emails to be sent at optimal times, such as during the Labor Day weekend or at the end of the month. 


Maintain consistent communication with your audience without manual effort. Automated campaigns can run smoothly in the background. 


Analytics and Insights 

Track the performance of your email campaigns with detailed analytics. Understand which offers are resonating with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly. 




Performance Metrics 

Monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Identify which offers are most effective. 

Data-Driven Decisions 

Use insights from analytics to refine your email marketing strategy. Make data-driven decisions to optimize future campaigns. 


A/B Testing 

Experiment with different subject lines, content, and call-to-actions to see what works best. Messaging's A/B testing feature allows you to refine your emails for maximum impact. 




Optimize Content 

Test different variations of your emails to determine which elements perform best. This can include subject lines, images, and call-to-action buttons. 

Improve Engagement 

Use the results of A/B tests to improve engagement and conversion rates. Continuously optimize your emails for better results. 

A/B Test Landing Pages, Emails, and More



The end of summer is a crucial time for businesses to engage with leads and customers through targeted offers. By implementing strategies such as end-of-summer sales, back-to-school promotions, Labor Day specials, loyalty rewards, seasonal subscriptions, and referral incentives, you can drive sales and maintain customer engagement. 

TruVISIBILITY's application, Messaging, can significantly enhance your email marketing efforts by providing tools for segmentation, personalization, automation, analytics, and A/B testing. By leveraging these features, you can create compelling, targeted offers that resonate with your audience and drive end-of-summer sales. 

Start planning your end-of-summer campaigns today and make the most of this transitional period. With the right offers and effective email marketing, you can achieve your business goals and set the stage for a successful fall season. 

Feel free to reach out if you need any more details or have specific questions about using TruVISIBILITY's Messaging for your email marketing needs! 


Key Takeaways 

  • By taking advantage of end-of-summer sales and the beginning of the school year, you can bring in a different demographic of leads. 
  • Create subscription and referral programs to bring in and keep promising contacts to send marketing material to during the rest of the year. 
  • Trust TruVISIBILITY’s Messaging app and digital marketing platform to create end-of-summer offer emails to guarantee the best delivery and performance results.