CRM Strategy Is Critical To Your Business Success

CRM allows you to store information about customers, analyze their behavior, and automate marketing processes. And here's why you should implement it today!

Denis Sushchenko
August 18, 2023

As a small business owner, you have probably heard of such a thing as CRM (customer relationship management). This software allows you to store information about customers, analyze their behavior, and automate marketing processes. But should you try to implement CRM? After all, it can appear complicated. But never fear; we can help you decide if it’s time to use a CRM.


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There are many ways to manage customers and their personal information from excel, Google Sheets, etc. However CRM is superior to these other methods. From saving their payment methods to segmenting them into groups based on demographic, a CRM platform speeds up productivity, doesn’t leave room for human error, and other benefits. Here are 5 signs that you need a CRM to manage customer-related data instead of good old Excel.


Low Productivity


Yes, there are small businesses that are still using Excel for managing customer data. And they are surely spending lots of time on manual work, like inputting data, organizing spreadsheets, or trying to manually track customer interactions. These time-consuming, repetitive tasks prevent decrease productivity of your team and hinder it from actually making money.

CRM software can automate these tasks, freeing up your team's time to concentrate on developing relationships with customers and prospects. It can also provide insights into productivity, enabling managers to track performance and identify areas for improvement. So, if you're noticing a decline in productivity, it might be time to consider a CRM tool.

Also, The Top 10 CRM Features That Benefit A Small Business


Errors in Data


When you enter and manage data manually, there surely will be errors. Your data probably will be outdated and some part of it can even get lost. For example, customer names may be misspelled, while phone numbers have simply disappeared. What could be worse for your relationships? Such a situation will lead to misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and even loss of clients. But how to reduce the impact of, so to speak, the human factor? Just use a CRM! With its automated data entry, you can be sure that your data is accurate and up-to-date.


Departments Find It Hard to Collaborate


If your data is scattered across different desktops, laptops, smartphones, and office filling cabinets — well, whatever your team uses to store the data, — it is hard to access it and share between departments. And hence your departments just can't work together properly!

Here CRM software can also help.

By serving as a centralized repository of all customer-related data it allows seamless sharing of information across different departments and provides everyone with a 360-degree view of each customer. This way, whether it's the marketing team crafting personalized campaigns, the sales team tracking leads, or the customer service team resolving issues, everyone is working from the same page. So convenient, right?


Lack of Insightful Reports


Poorly organized and decentralized data means you can't even hope for insightful reports. Here's just a simple example: if you have duplicate or inconsistent customer records, you may not be able to calculate the correct customer lifetime value or retention rate. And without clear, comprehensive, and accurate reports, it becomes challenging to understand customer behaviors, predict trends, and make informed decisions. This is where CRM software can help too.

You already know that CRM allows you to organize data and make it easily accessible for all teams. This alone will let your agents craft more accurate reports. However, CRM can do even more! The reporting tools available in a CRM can dissect complex data and present iin an easily digestible format — visually using charts and graphs — so that you could quickly understand your customer trends and behaviors, and figure out effective marketing strategies.

Also, Streamline Your Business With A Great CRM Strategy


Failing to Deliver Personalized Offers


When you don't really understand your customers' needs, you can't make a personalized valuable offer. However, thanks to a CRM you can get a comprehensive view of each customer's history, preferences, and interactions with your business. Such data will help you to discover patterns in purchasing behavior, identify the most popular products or services, discern customer preferences, and eventually tailor your products and services to each client's individual needs.

Also, a CRM can help identify any gaps in the customer service process, such as slow response times or unresolved customer complaints. Address these issues proactively and improve customer satisfaction and retention!


Benefits of Using TruVISIBILITY’s CRM


All the problems that we just talked about are easily solved with the help of TruVISIBILITY CRM. We emphasize three features in particular: easy integration with other marketing software, collaboration functionality and ease of use.


Integrates with Other Apps


TruVISIBILITY CRM is the central part of the TruVISIBILITY Suite — all-in-one marketing software platform. This means that CRM integrates with other applications that make up the platform, playing the role of a hub where all data flows. Apart from CRM, TruVISIBILITY Suite includes:

  • Chat — a chatbot builder. You can create simple rule-based chatbots, hybrid AI-powered chatbots, and set up a live chat.
  • Sites — a simple yet powerful website and landing page visual builder. You can use ready-made templates or make your website from scratch.
  • Messaging — a tool for designing emails and launching email marketing campaigns.
  • Blogs — a SEO-friendly environment for publishing articles.

Moreover, you can integrate our CRM with third-party applications, using API.


Team Members Can Collaborate with It


In TruVISIBILITY Suite, you can link different accounts to each other. This means that team members can access the same applications and databases. And yes, they can all use one and the same CRM dashboard.


Easy to Manage


It is known that a great application is one that is not only powerful, but also simple. TruVISIBILITY CRM is designed to make your life easier, so we paid special attention to the simplicity of the interface. We made a visually minimalistic dashboard and brought to the fore the most necessary functions.  Thanks to this, you will not need much time to understand our CRM system and implement it in your business.


Of course, there are also specific features that will allow you to customize CRM to your needs. Simple custom field and entity creation, workflow automations for fields and tags, AI-powered automated lead scoring, etc. — our CRM offers everything that every successful business needs.




Now you know those five signs showing that you need a CRM in your small business. If you notice that your team is not as productive as you would like it to be, it is because it’s wasting too much time on manual work with data. If you stumble upon errors, sometimes very simple and stupid ones, in your customer-related data.

If you can't make your teams work together normally due to issues with access to data. If you want to see useful reports, but can't since there aren't such reports. And if you don't know how to personalize your offers. Are you familiar with the problems? That’s when you know  it's time to implement a CRM.

CRM is a great tool that lets you track your customer's journey, helps support relationships and build new ones, brings together different teams, and automates workflow. And all these things eventually lead to increased sales.

Our TruVISIBILITY CRM application is just an example of such a CRM for small businesses. Alongside Chat, Messaging, and Sites it's an integral part of TruVISIBILITY All-in-One Marketing Suite and thus plays a role of a center that collects all the data from other apps.

Register a freemium TruVISIBILITY account and get unlimited access to fully functional marketing software free of cost!

As your business grows, you only pay for what you use without any contract. A freemium TruVISIBILITY account allows you to:

  • Create a chatbot that can conduct up to 100 conversations per month
  • Launch email blasts, start drip campaign, etc with 1000 free emails sent monthly
  • Send 1000 SMS texts per month
  • Build 1 website including a blog
  • 1 GB of storage usage
  • 1 SSL certificate
  • Unlimited API usage

The pricing is based on usage over the free monthly allotment. Thus it is extremely affordable for small to medium businesses. You can adjust the number of conversations your chatbots can have, the number of emails and SMS that can be sent per month, the number of websites you can deploy, and the capacity of your cloud storage. Simple and flexible!

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